The University of Malaga (UMA) is one of the main institutions of higher education in Spain: it is the first of the Spanish universities involved with the SDGs and the number 40 in the world, according to the Impact ranking of Times Higher Education. Since its founding in 1972, UMA has expanded its prestige and international presence and today has more than 35,000 students, 58 Bachelor's degrees, 53 Master's degrees and 22 doctoral programs, as well as more than 200 degrees of its own. Its activity is carried out in 2 campuses in which they teach and research more than 2500 teachers in 23 faculties and schools. The UMA support mobility to more than 1500 incoming and 1100 outgoing students each year, as well as 200 exchanges of incoming and outgoing researchers per year. UMA is also part of the campus of excellence "Andalucía Tech".
The UMA is the first Spanish academic institution to obtain the international seal of 'Entrepreneurial University' awarded by ACEEU a recognition so far achieved by only five other universities in the world. UMA also meets the following quality standards: EFQM 200, EFQM 300, ISO 9001, ISO 14001.
University of Malaga is very active in ICT development and ICT-based training. Its Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences –the oldest centre in the UMA, has been carrying out different official degrees on the finance subject, such as a degree in Business Management, a degree in Accounting and Finance, a master’s degree in Finance, Banking and Insurance, a Master's Degree in Actuarial and Financial Sciences as well as other specialized courses under the university own-diploma system. The UMA is also a partner in the project Edufinet, a financial education project developed in collaboration with of 12 Spanish and one Portuguese universities, and is delivering financial training courses tailored for seniors and children.
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