İ.ova Youth Art & Culture Organisation( İ.ova Gençlik Kültür , Sanat ve Gelişim Derneği) is an organization of non-profit nature, which was founded in 2018.It is based in the city of Aydın and counts more than one hundred (100) individuals as members, young and creative citizens, people who share values, ideas, thoughts, reflections and vision.
İ.ova Gençlik is a young and dynamic organisation that was created as a response to the need for a vibrant, community based formation that will be able to recognise opportunities and respond to challenges related to the unique character of the local community and its members.
Our aim is to promote the empowerment of young people and adults through the creation of real opportunities for educational and professional development and stimulate the youth entrepreneurship in an international environment using various models and opportunities such as e-learning, in-class trainings, mentoring, , youth exchanges.
According to its values and principles, the NGO gives support to every person, promoting equal opportunities and supporting these communities helping them to reach their goals and achievements in a self-sufficient way.
As a non-profit organisation dedicated to supporting the local community on a daily basis, especially through provision of learning and training opportunities, creative and artistic initiatives, and encouraging integration and inclusion, we aim to be active in various fields relevant to the spirit and life of our local community.
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